Force a computer to install Windows 11?

Windows 11 have been out for a few months now and Microsoft have made it very clear that they want to ensure you not only use a Microsoft to help (track) assist you with targeted advertising and content, but to make things more secure with the new security chip called TPM 2.0. This week they have now offered a work around to get Windows 11 on a computer that does not have this security chip. Should you upgrade and why would Microsoft change its mind?

Network Share error Invalid Handle after KB4480970 patch

So three calls at 7:00am with clients that cant access their…
Windows 10 patch wiped my files

Windows 10 patch wiped out my documents!!!

Ok so imagine you turn on your computer and Microsoft does another…

Why we don’t always suggest cloud services

Today I was forwarded a story from a friend. This is one of those…
Place Value Chart from Ones to Decillions

Place Values for my six year old.

My son is fun and at six years old finds the most odd items interesting. …

How to move Sticky Notes from your computer.

Well I had a client that used Sticky Notes religiously and had…